I am neuro diverse and AEM has given me every support to develop my strengths
- Article
February 15, 2024
When Daniel Adams received a round of applause after delivering a training session to a room full of colleagues, it confirmed to him more than anything that he was in his dream job.
While he has loved his admin job at Autism East Midlands since joining in March 2019, he has welcomed the opportunity to become a trainer too.
Now in addition to his role as Administration Manager and GDPR Officer for AEM, he’s been able to add an extra string to his bow.

“I love my job,” he said. “I learn something new every day and I enjoy challenging myself so when I got the opportunity to join the learning and development team to deliver GDPR training, I jumped at the chance.”
“I was able to use skills and experience from previous jobs and share that knowledge with colleagues. It’s an important topic and turning what some might see as a dry subject into something engaging is really rewarding.”
Daniel joined AEM initially as Senior Administrator, where his work included general administration and PA support to the Director of Adult Services and Head of HR. The pandemic changed his job though, as it did others.
While most people worked from home initially, Daniel’s role was based in the head office where he covered reception, whilst forming part of a small team responsible for getting PPE out to services. After the pandemic, his role changed again, and he has since been promoted to Administration Manager where he is in a supervisory role.
“Autism East Midlands has given me plenty of opportunities to learn and to develop my career over the past four years,” added Daniel.
“I am neuro diverse and at AEM I’ve been given every support to develop my strengths. As someone on the autism spectrum, I feel very supported here. From a personal standpoint, I like to be challenged and enjoy learning. But if I should need space, people here understand that and will give me time to gather my thoughts.”
He’s also been able to draw on his personal experience to help form AEM’s Strive group for autistic staff. It provides a forum for autistic employees and helps promote a better understanding of autism within the workplace. The group shares ideas and works on ways to create an environment that is inclusive to all.
Through his involvement in Strive, he has also been able to shape the creation of a social group for autistic adults. Social Autism Space provides safe spaces for autistic adults to socialise with like-minded people, while offering the chance to talk about their experiences.
Daniel now coordinates the group’s activities, which includes regular online meetings as well as cinema trips, bowling and walks. It’s a group that is constantly evolving and he hopes to see the group grow over time.
He added: “I’ve been given plenty of opportunities to upskill and learn new things. I enjoy combining my new training role with managing the administration team."
"Some of the team are neuro divergent too and it is really rewarding seeing them come into their own and seeing their confidence grow as they develop new communication and customer service skills. AEM have been supportive to me and I want to share that with others.”
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